i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Anon2: No luh, You just gotta try and be
more experimental with your eyeshawdow shades,
practicing how to draw your eyeliner than fits
perfectly for your eye shape, how to paste falsies,
and not overload your blusher and look like a clown,
then you're all set! Actually i think if for basic makeup,
no need to go for course one luh.
Just try try try then can alrdy,
Unless you're saying like, you wanna be a MUA
or sth then that's completely different luh!
Min: Hahahas, What there to be envious of my dear?
It's not all glamourous, it's quite alot of tough work
to create nice pictures too.Sometimes like weird,
uncomfortable position you gotta freeze there
for so long before the photographer snaps. o.0
Hahahas, Esp like matilda house,
the floor is seriously dirty and dusty i still need
to sit and pose and lie on the dirty walls.
Lying on glass patches, Which freaks me out!
Maybe you can send your pictures/details to my gmail.
Anon1: Thanks for your sweet compliment dear! =D
Huiyu: Yeah i rmb too, Crazy one loh,
Dunno why last time liek to go school
before the sun even rise!
Then play play play in school in the morning hahahs,
Or else copy homework. :x
Felicia: WAHH, sentosa super long ago alrdy leh.
How was your shoot today? Fun? :D
Passerby: Hahahas, Dunno?
Sculley ask me act as the girl dumping
rubbish into rubbish chute. HAHAHAHAS!
Gwen: Darling meet me when? Tuesday?
Cinnamon bun @ japanese bakery
pretty pu-leeeease! =DDD
I miss you so much, wanna hug you! Hehehe.
Wan: Hahahas, future star. o.0
Don't make me laugh please! HAHAAS
Nel: Which nel are you? Nelson tan ah? LOL!
You guys are gonna be so sick of my face.

I figured i don't to buy such a pretty one
like my previous one since i keep breaking them.
Went to eat crabs with darling that day! :D

Auditioning for the movie "Money Not Enough 2"
Everybody is asking me the same thing,
So i figured i might as well blog it! LOL!
Hahahahas, it was a nerve wreaking experience!
I had to memorize quite alot in like 5 mins.
Which is so hard cos i've really bad memory.
And i was kinda nervous cos it's afterall my 1st attempt.
But the guy who was auditioning me,
said that he's pretty impressed by my performance.
And was quite taken aback that it was my 1st cut in acting.
Hahahas, i took alot of takes lah!
I think like 4-5 takes, cos i keep forgetting my script.
But he was super understanding!
Hahahas, sculley they ask me act as a
dump rubbish girl or sth! HAHAHAS
But everyone's like telling me,
"aiyah everybody also start small one mar!"
Hahahas, okay. Enough said,
Darling came to fetch me and we went to town,
And who'd thought a guy could shop so much!
I thought it's always girls who're
the one who's shopping and the boyf waiting. *Rolls Eyes*
Really, Shoot me. I almost kill myself in frustration
for waiting for like super duper long for him to buy his stuff.
Somemore, he's super not chop chop type one loh.
He must try and try and slowly slowly decide. !@#$%^&
I'm like, get in a shop, nothing to buy, get out,
See sth i like, try, okay like, buy.
I bought a top and a pair of purple suede flats,
And he bought like 5 bags of stuff. o.0
Watch "L, Change the World" at Cine,
We sat at the 1st row man, And super qiao
Sugi and ruth was watching the same show
in the same cinema as us.
Anyway! Here comes the pictures from
Leejay's shoot @ Labrador park:

So tired lah, wake up so early. o.0
Have a shoot tmr, some abandoned hse @ Holland V area.
Abandoned hse again, walao, creepy creepy!
And i'm like 200 bucks away from my Miu Miu wallet! =DDD
Goodnight darlings! (:
MY NUFFNANG AD on the left!
Thanks loves. :D
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